Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chai Infused Cream Cheese Frosting and other Yumminess

On our Carrier Pigeon this week we feature a recipe for Pumpkin Chai Cupcakes.  Here is the Frosting recipe for those cupcakes!  Yum!  Try it on your other favorite cupcakes for a nice change.

Chai Cream Cheese Frosting
1/2c Unsalted Butter
1/4 c STM Loose leaf Chai Tea
8 oz (1 pkg) softened Cream Cheese
1/2 tsp Vanilla
3 1/2 c Powdered Sugar
  Slowly melt the butter over low.  Add the tea and continue to gently simmer for 5 minutes.   Strain out the tea and squish a bit to get all of the butter out.  Allow the butter to come to room temp (it will begin to re-solidify)  Beat the infused butter and cream cheese together until fluffy.  Add the vanilla.  With the mixer running, slowly add the powdered sugar 1 cup at a time until well blended. 
*This makes enough soft consistency icing to generously frost a 13x9x2" pan, 24-28 cupcakes or an 8" layer cake.  To make a stiffer frosting, add more powdered sugar by 1/2 c until consistency is reached -be aware that this will dilute the flavor.

One of my favorite things about Fall are pumpkins.  They are just so tasty and can be used in just about anything.  To celebrate the coming Fall - and help you save a few dollars, here is a wonderful recipe for a latte.

Pumpkin Chai Latte
1 c STM Chai Tea, brewed strong
1 c Milk (Vanilla Almond or Coconut are nice alternatives to Cow milk)
1/4 c Pumpkin Puree
1 tsp Vanilla
2-3 tb STM's local Honey
1 tsp STM Chai Spice Mix, ground fine
  Puree everything in a blender for about a minute or so.  Then simply heat it up by the cup.  This recipe makes about 4 cups and will keep for a few days in the fridge.     

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